Wednesday, 22 October 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Excuse the break in normal service, but I would like to share with you all some thoughts about what this blog is and what I would like it to become. To start with, two requests of anyone who reads this blog:

1. If you read the post, please make some comment, however short - even one word makes me feel like the time I spent writing the post was worthwhile.

2. If people have commented, read the comments - and if anything springs to mind, then respond to the comments as well as (or instead of) commenting on my post.

Now, please read on...

- I started this blog because I thought that I had some things worth saying about United and I wanted to discuss them with other United fans.

- This is a not-for-profit blog, so the only motive for me doing what I'm doing is the enjoyment of discussing my posts and any other United-related or football-related topics with those who read them.

- So far, there's been an ok smattering of comments, with some posts ending up in double figures, but others have been met with a resounding silence - this makes me wonder why I bother.

- I may have strong opinions, but I'm not always right and I am more than happy for people to disagree with me.

- Equally, feel free to comment on the comments, often some really good discussions can get started that way.

- This is a newish blog, and therefore is a good chance for people to get in on the ground floor and really get involved. If you have any ideas or comments, please either put them in the comments to any post or email me using the link in the sidebar.

- I'd love to see this blog develop into a community of people who enjoy discussing United and football in general, and I'm prepared to put the work in to make that happen - but you, the readers, have got to do the same.

Finally, please feel free to give me feedback on what you think of the following post types:

  • previews
  • reports and ratings
  • analysis and comment pieces
  • "readers" of interesting articles
  • YouTube compilations
  • open discussion threads

That's all for the moment...normal service will resume tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

honestly, i believe the reason why your comments are not flooding in is because of the way the blog is designed.

Redrants blog style is infinately more condusive to commenting...

but im with ya=) i enjoy your articulate and insightful posts... and best thing about it is that it never has all the negative feelings associated with some of the commentators you see on RR... levelheadedness is good=)

anyway keep up the good work

Penguinissimo said...

Wink - thanks for the thoughts.

Could you elaborate further on why you think it is not set up well for commenting?

I'm not trying to make a Red Rants clone, I am hoping to attract the more thoughtful and level-headed sections of the fanbase. One of the reasons for blogging rather than commenting at RR is that my longish posts there were often lost in the crossfire.

I just get a bit demoralised when it feels like I'm talking to myself!

JLC said...

You're not talking to yourself. I subscribe to your RSS feed and read pretty much every post. I'm not much of a commenter, but be sure I'm a loyal reader and I think you're doing quite a good job. You're definitely up there with the RedRanters and ScottTheReds of the world, which is pretty good company if you ask me. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Possibly try make the website more devilish? Red? But no worry, you, red rants and Scott the red is the only Man Utd Blogger i subscribed and I really enjoyed reading.

Anonymous said...

I read the blog when I can and would love to comment more often, its just school gets in the way (trying to get into med school in the US). I will make an effort to comment on every post in some way though. I just don't want to contribute something not worth contributing you know?

I want it to be a worthwhile post.

Anonymous said...

great blog..keep it up..sorry dont comment much (at all) unless there's something i really REALLY wanna say...but will put in a hello & thanks to lift yr spirits if required...

Anonymous said...

As a regular reader of red rants and republic of mancunia, i have to say i like your blog a lot. I prefer your match previews and reviews than RRs. About people commenting, don't worry, it's just the beginning. Also just because someone is not commenting doesn't mean that he doesn't appreciate your work.

Anonymous said...

Well done on the entries so far, your site has been added to my usual reading when I get a chance. I'm an Aussie United fan and as such don't get the mass media coverage, so rely on your site, Red Rants, Republik and ManUnitedYouth as well as a few of the official ones.

Your articles are always very insightful (as they always were when posted on RR) and are always up much more quickly than RR. The player ratings and comments are a nice touch as well, as it gives a bit of an indication as to how they all played if you can't catch the game.

Keep up the good work, and I'll try and post more often in the future.

P.S. Sounds like Possebon, Manucho, Foster and co. showed the blue half how to play football.

Unknown said...

i really like your posts especially your match reports and ratings!!i thing this blog is better than red rants.and don't worry about the comments they will flood in eventually!!!

Anonymous said...


i used to read official site and redrants and after having a look at your blog...few days back...i added it to my daily watchlist....

coming to issue Y they r nt many comments r reason can be because puttin in a comment isnt as simple as it is in RR..the other reason i guess its relatively new to i guess comments section will pick up in few days...dont worry...and I appreciate that you put ur thghts daily..not like RR...
finally....Ur yet to post the last and fourth part of ur team analysis..abt strikers...i would love to have a look at plz post it as soon as possible...
united 4 life....

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

and one more thing...

according the reports our reserves were exceptional yesterdy...spclly..manucho ,possebon,gibson....
i dint hav d facility to watch the match...

so if u have seen will gr8 if u can put ur views on their performance...
united 4 life....

Anonymous said...

So... im a new reader... Got to you through the stuff you wrote on RedRants...

So... I Promise to be more active...

A United Fan From Israel

Anonymous said...


Echoing the above - great blog. You, Scott and RR are it for me.

Insightful comments are a double-edged sword. Often your analysis is so spot on, that the only response is "yeah!" which seems like a silly comment to make.

Also, working off Wink's comment - Scott addresses things in smaller bites and often looks to wind up the oppo (I think his strategy of putting Rivals names in titles to pull through Newsnow creates insta-banter) therefore comments can be made more focused, probably a benefit to certain readers.

Stay with 'levelheaded' and carve out a niche.

Penguinissimo said...

Thanks for all the thoughts and insights guys, really appreciate it.

More articles up tomorrow, then a preview of the Everton game on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion this blog is better than RedRants. The match reports are the best around and I usually agree with your rating and general opinion.

Great blog, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

well the beauty of the RR blog is that invites comments.

while yours is definately easier to read and faster to load, RR requires you to load into this specific page where the article is and comments are. so in effect you are reading the article + comments. and it spurs you on to comment more as you read on and the comments grow, its like each topics own little forum

your blog just lets the fellas come and read what u got to say and leave... which is nice... if they wanna comment, they have to load another page. so those people who just wanna drop a hello and say maybe something cheeky wont... like the people in this comments tread stated they dont usually comment unless something is REAAAAAALY worth commenting..

so in essence you got the meat on one plate and the breath mints on another...

RR just pours the mint sauce over the meat... haha i dont know if you can get my metaphor but i think i have explained it enough...

but seriously. other than form, the content is great. maybe a slight change of form may help you get the comments u desire?


split said...

i have always read your posts on RR as well as your blog, just feel the way the comments section is designed, it becomes a little painful for the commenter. Could you think of changing servers or something? M sure there are many waiting for you out there

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above about the set up, but in saying this, it does make people really have to have something worthwhile to bother with commenting. Which is good in alot of ways, because sure RR has alot more comments (from a few very prominent commentaors) but alot of these are pointless, mindless dribble eg about FIFA08 and where they are from etc.

Im sure you have a hit counter?! which would show you just how popular you are for those of us who are a particular fan who might appreciate some of your more indepth analysis. As said in an above comment, I think your blog fills a much needed niche. Keep it up!

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